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Sunki 生肌

Tonik 補充品 (澳洲)

款式 / Types



Tonik 是一家澳大利亞的家族式健康公司,致力於幫助您實現健康目標。我們結合科學可靠性、創新的綠色製造和100%植物成分,為您提供前所未有的有效純正補充品。我們的產品不含填充物、虛假成分或廢話,而是採用液體填充、高效能膠囊,以增強吸收和生物利用度。 Tonik is a family-owned Australian wellness company dedicated to helping you achieve outrageously glowy health. We combine scientific credibility, innovative green manufacturing, and 100% plant-based ingredients to deliver effective clean supplements. Our products are free from fillers, false claims, or fluff—instead, we use liquid-filled, high-potency capsules for enhanced absorption and bioavailability.

Rincian Produk

  • 薑黃




姜黃素(姜黃中的活性化合物)的健康益處自古以來就受到廣泛讚譽。只有一個問題:口服時,它被認為吸收不佳。Tonik No.3通過將微粉化的姜黃素與天然的姜黃精油結合,克服了這一問題。這種超級配方的吸收率比標準化的95%姜黃素/姜黃提取物高達7倍。









供應商/種植地點:印度 印度
容量: 120粒


  • 益生菌

Tonik No.5 充滿了一個令人印象深刻的主要成分:PreticX®(其中包含Xylooligosaccharides,又稱XOS)——這是您的身體會喜歡的。這種經臨床證實的選擇性益生元複合物有助於刺激(甚至可以增加)您腸道中的有益細菌——太好了!一旦我們有效的補充品被您體內的微生物代謝,它就可以開始提供一系列健康效益:包括結腸細胞保護、腸道功能(+舒適度)、提高能量、改善消化(無脹氣)、抗衰老支持以及整體免疫和健康。PreticX的主要優勢在於,與益生菌相反,它非常穩定(不需要冷藏),並且可以用於食品和飲料中。與其他益生元相比,它可以使用小劑量,從而降低脹氣的機會。

益生元的概念首次由Glenn Gibson和Marcel Roberfroid於1995年提出。益生元被描述為“一種對宿主有益的不可消化的食品成分,通過選擇性刺激結腸中的一種或有限數量的細菌的生長和/或活性,從而改善宿主健康”。益生元是一組被腸道微生物降解的營養素。它們可以餵養腸道微生物,其降解產物是釋放到血液循環中的短鏈脂肪酸,因此不僅影響著消化道,還影響著其他遠端器官。低量的果寡糖和半乳寡糖天然存在於食物中,補充益生元具有相當大的健康益處。

PreticX® 是一種新的益生元XOS(xylooligosaccharide)。臨床研究顯示,PreticX®在低劑量和高劑量下均能顯著增加雙歧桿菌的增殖。PreticX®被歸類為益生元,是一種非轉基因玉米衍生的寡糖,稱為木聚糖的一組多醣體,基於戊糖(一種五碳糖)。










來源:PreticX(專利配方 PreticX(專利配方)
供應商/種植地點:美國 美國
容量: 120粒


  • 海洋膠原

我們在20多歲時平均每年會失去約1%的天然膠原蛋白,所以 Tonik No.6 是一種有效的方式,讓您感覺和外觀都更好——通過自然刺激膠原蛋白水平。












供應商/種植地點:美國 美國
容量: 120粒



  • Turmeric 

Our capsules have 19x the Curcumin content of the ground turmeric spice. This makes it one of the strongest turmeric supplements going around, in its most bio-enhanced form for more superior absorption and bioavailability. It’s so powerful, it doesn’t need the aid of non-turmeric additives such as black pepper. This means almost 7x more Curcumin gets absorbed and provides all of the beneficial effects with only one capsule twice a day. They don’t call it the ‘Golden Goddess’ for nothing!

The Background 
As one of nature’s purest and most powerful superfood healers, Turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic food and medicine for over 5,000 years. The idea of using turmeric as a both a spice and a pharmaceutical originally spread through Asia and the Middle East, and it’s a practice we still rely on today. Solving health issues or flavouring scrambled eggs… there’s really nothing turmeric can’t do.

The Active Ingredients 
Curcumin is the main active ingredient in Turmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant.- Essential oils from within the Turmeric Root (Rhizome) aid absorption without the need for any other additives like black pepper. The turmeric oil contains beneficial turmerones not found in other Curcumin products.- This super spice contains more than 300 naturally occurring components including beta-carotene, ascorbic acid(vitamin C), calcium, flavonoids, fibre, iron, niacin, potassium, zinc and other nutrients.

The Process  
The health benefits of Curcumin — the active compound in turmeric — have been praised far and wide since the dawn of time. There’s just one catch: it’s thought to be poorly absorbed when taken orally. Tonik No.3 gets around this by combining micronised Curcumin with naturally occurring turmeric oils. A super formulation shown to be up to 7x more absorbable than standardised 95% curcuminoid / turmeric extracts.  


The Benefits

Support joint and muscle health
thanks to its naturalanti-inflammatory properties.

Assist with the function of the liver
by detoxifying, flushing, & purging the liver of deposits, built-up toxins, & other impurities.

Assist with lowering the risk of heart disease & cholesterol levels
by lowering LDL cholesterol levels & triglycerides, & preventing LDL from being oxidised.

Help with moderating insulin levels and aid in weight management
by regulating sugar levels and preventing insulin resistance.

May help ease inflammation
by blocking the effects of two enzymes in the body which lead to inflammation.

Boost skin and cellular health
thanks to anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant effects.

Found In: Turmeric Root
Source: Curcuma longa L. Dry rhizome
Supplier / Farming Location: India
Final Location of Manufacturing: Sydney, Australia
Capacity: 120capsule


  • Prebiotic

Tonik No.5 is packed full of a very impressive hero ingredient: PreticX® (which contains Xylooligosaccharides; aka XOS) – a mouthful your body will love. This clinically proven, selective prebiotic complex helps stimulate (and can even increase) the heathy bacteria in your gut – yes, please! Once our effective sup’ is metabolised by your body’s microflora it can get started on delivering a range of health effects: we’re talkin’ colon cell protection, bowel function (+ comfort), a boost to your energy, improved digestion (sans bloating), anti-aging support, and overall immunity and wellness. The prevailing benefit of PreticX is that, contrary to probiotics, it is highly stable (does not require refrigeration), and can be used in food and beverage. Compared to other prebiotics, it can be used in small doses and thus reduces the chance of bloating.

The Background 
The prebiotics concept was introduced for the first time in 1995 by Glenn Gibson and Marcel Roberfroid. Prebiotic was described as “a non-digestible food ingredient that beneficially affects the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon, and thus improves host health”.Prebiotics are a group of nutrients that are degraded by gut microbiota. Their relationship with human overall health has been an area of increasing interest in recent years. They can feed the intestinal microbiota, and their degradation products are short-chain fatty acids that are released into blood circulation, consequently, affecting not only the gastrointestinal tracts but also other distant organs. Fructo-oligosaccharides and galacto-oligosaccharides are the two important groups of prebiotics with beneficial effects on human health. Since low quantities of fructo-oligosaccharides and galacto-oligosaccharides naturally exist in foods, supplementing with prebiotics has considerable health benefits.

The Active Ingredients 
PreticX® is a new prebiotic XOS (xylooligosaccharide). It has been shown in clinical studies to significantly increase the proliferation of bifidobacterium in both low and high doses. PreticX is classified as a prebiotic, and is a non-GMO corn-derived form of oligosaccharides called xylooligosaccharides or XOS, comprising a group of polysaccharides called xylans. Xylans are common constituents of plant cell walls based on xylose, a pentose sugar.

The Process  
A prebiotic is not a living organism; it is a nondigestible food ingredient that promotes the growth of "good bacteria" already present in the gut. Prebiotics, such as those found in complex carbohydrates, feed probiotic bacteria, while others provide support in different ways (such as clearing out bad bacteria to make room for good ones).


The Benefits

Maintain & improve gutfunction
by increasing the amount of healthy and helpful Bifidobacteria in the GI tract.

Aid digestive function
by fermenting foods faster so you won’t feel as bloated & uncomfortable.

Improve bowel function
via nourishing the intestinal lining to keep you regular(without any additional flatulence).

Support your immune function& reduce inflammation
by strengthening the gut barrier & keeping out harmful substances, viruses and bad bacteria.

Aid calcium absorption, lipid metabolism & epithelial colon cell protection
via the creation of short-chain fatty acids(SCFA).

Promote & improve metabolic health
by adjusting how quickly the body can process carbohydrates & sugar.

Found In: Xylooligosaccharides
Source: PreticX (Patented Formulation)
Supplier / Farming Location: USA
Final Location of Manufacturing: Sydney, Australia
Capacity: 120capsule


  • Marine Collagen

We lose around 1% of our natural collagen on average each year once we reach our 20's, so Tonik No.6 is an effective way to have you feeling and looking your best – by stimulating collagen levels naturally.

An important note: Lots of collagen particles are too large to be properly digested and absorbed. They are simply expelled from your body (aka: wasted!). We’ve made sure that won’t happen!

The Background 
Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body. Our skin, hair, nails, and joints rely on it for structure, elasticity, and firmness. As collagen levels decline, fine lines, hair thinning, and brittle nails begin to appear. It is at this point that collagen supplementation becomes so crucial. When you supplement with a collagen peptide that is highly bioavailable, you are directly providing the body with the amino acids and peptides it needs to produce collagen.Marine Collagen is a collagen supplement produced from fish skin & scales. We use the waste skin & scales from the food industry that would otherwise be discarded. A process called hydrolysation transforms the skin into collagen peptides. The smaller the collagen peptide, the easier it is to absorb by the body. As a result of higher absorption, it is more effective at replenishing and restoring collagen to a deeper layer of skin, hair, and nails. You will see significant results after this point.Our collagen is sourced responsibly from open-water farms internationally. The purity and minimal environmental impact of these marine ecosystems are monitored according to strict United States & international standards. A range of specific fish species are used to provide the complex amino acid profile needed for collagen supplementation to provide clinical results. All of our fish are supplied for human consumption, meeting the stringent standards of the food and hospitality industries.

The Active Ingredients 
The absorption of marine-based collagen is 1.5 times more efficient than that of other collagen sources, according to studies. The size of the peptides is what differentiates marine collagen from bovine and porcine collagen. As a result of being hydrolyzed and smaller than bovine or porcine collagen, marine collagen peptides are more bioavailable.

The Process  
When ingested, marine collagen is absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed to a deeper layer of skin called the dermis. A fresh collagen matrix is generated once it reaches the collagen matrix, stimulating fibroblast proliferation. Ingesting hydrolysed collagen peptides increases the body's supply of amino acids that cells need to produce collagen. An effective, non-invasive method of improving the appearance and health of skin, hair, and nails, marine collagen is a completely natural protein.


The Benefits

Anti-aging effects
in areas of your body like your bone density and your skin (i.e. fine lines and wrinkles).

Overall skin health
since collagen is peptide rich & an essential protein in helping repair, plump skin, improve elasticity, firmness,moisture & hydration.

Support healthy hair & nails
thanks to the keratin found in the amino acids in collagen.

Anti-inflammatory effects
can reduce pain in joints + assist gut health & Inflammatory Digestive Conditions by aiding intestinal permeability.

Improved joint health
from amino acids in collagen which are an important part of building joint cartilage.

Promotes muscle recovery
from amino acids in collagen which are found in connective tissue.

Found In: fish, shellfish, algae.
Source: Skin of Tilapia Fish
Supplier / Farming Location: USA
Final Location of Manufacturing: Sydney, Australia
Capacity: 120capsule

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