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Sunki 生肌
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「生肌」 — 生命的肌膚。


「生肌」無患子天然個人護理,是生肌企業(香港)有限公司的自家品牌系列,成立於2012年,是一個土生土長的香港品牌。生產工廠位於台灣台中,擁有超過80年的歷史,以天然植物「無患子」為主要材料,研發各種各樣的個人護理產品。 生肌不僅僅只注重產品的研發,也不會輕易地假手於人,所有產品的開發、測試改良、包裝推廣都是由生肌團隊本身負責。生肌主要以無患子為材料製造產品,包括洗髮水、沐浴露、手造肥皂、護膚用品等等。生肌堅持無添加人造化學物的原則,並採用古法工藝與現代科學技術相結合,不斷累積精煉技術與經驗,保持天然概念,以求品質保證,同時不為環境帶來污染,讓消費者能夠體驗到真正的天然護理,關注肌膚健康。 "Sunki" is a natural personal care brand owned by Sunki Enterprise (Hong Kong) Limited. Established in 2012, it is a true Hong Kong brand that is locally grown and produced. The products are manufactured in a factory with over 80 years of history in Taichung, Taiwan. The main ingredient used in the products is natural plant-based "Soapberry" (Sapindus Mukorossi), and a variety of personal care products have been developed, including shampoo, body wash, handmade soap, and skincare products. From product development, testing, improvement, to packaging and promotion, every step is done in-house. The brand continuously refines its techniques and experiences and adheres to the principle of no artificial chemicals added. It combines ancient methods and modern scientific technology to maintain a natural concept and ensure quality assurance, without causing pollution to the environment. Experience the true naturalness and care for your skin and health.


天然皮膚產品的重要性在於它們通常由天然成分製成,而非合成或人工製造的成分。這些產品不僅可以避免對人體造成負面影響,同時也可以為皮膚提供豐富的營養素和護理效果。 天然皮膚產品通常包含植物提取物、天然油脂和精油等成分,這些成分對皮膚有益,有助於提高皮膚的水分和彈性,減少皮膚問題和改善皮膚狀況。相對於化學產品,天然產品也比較溫和,不會對皮膚造成刺激或敏感反應。 此外,天然皮膚產品也對環境友好。由於它們不包含合成成分和有害化學物質,因此它們不會對環境造成負面影響。生產天然產品也通常需要較少的能源和資源,因此對環境的影響也較小。 綜合以上幾點,天然皮膚產品的重要性在於它們能夠為皮膚提供天然、溫和、有益的護理效果,同時也能保護環境和減少對人體和環境的負面影響。 Natural skincare products are important because they are made with ingredients derived from nature, such as plants, fruits, and herbs, rather than synthetic or artificial chemicals. Natural ingredients are often gentler on the skin and less likely to cause irritation or allergic reactions. Additionally, many natural ingredients contain beneficial vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients that can help nourish and protect the skin. Using natural skincare products can also have environmental benefits, as they are often produced using sustainable and eco-friendly practices. Overall, natural skincare products offer a healthier and more sustainable alternative to traditional skincare products.


無患子是一種天然植物,它的果皮含有皂素,可以用來製造天然無公害洗潔劑,用於日常洗滌,如餐具清潔、美容、洗頭、皮膚保健等。此外,無患子果肉含有無患子皂甙(Sapindoside A、B、C、D、E),其苷元為常青藤皂苷元(hederagenin),並含芸香及大量維生素C、酪氨酸、甘氨酸、丙氨酸、果糖、葡萄糖、戊糖、甲基戊糖、阿拉伯糖及鼠李糖等。這些成分對皮膚有益,可以幫助保濕和滋潤皮膚。 Soapberry is a natural plant whose fruit peel contains saponins that can be used to make natural and pollution-free detergents for daily washing, such as dishwashing, beauty, shampooing, and skin care. In addition, the pulp of the soapberry fruit contains sapindosides (Sapindoside A, B, C, D, E), whose aglycone is hederagenin and contains rutin and a large amount of vitamin C, tyrosine, glycine, alanine, fructose, glucose, xylose, methyl xylose, arabinose and rhamnose. These ingredients are beneficial to the skin and can help moisturize and nourish the skin. Soapberry is a natural plant whose fruit peel contains saponins that can be used to make natural and pollution-free detergents for daily washing, such as dishwashing, beauty, shampooing, and skin care. In addition, the pulp of the soapberry fruit contains sapindosides (Sapindoside A, B, C, D, E), whose aglycone is hederagenin and contains rutin and a large amount of vitamin C, tyrosine, glycine, alanine, fructose, glucose, xylose, methyl xylose, arabinose and rhamnose. These ingredients are beneficial to the skin and can help moisturize and nourish the skin.
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純水可以減少化學物質和其他污染物的含量,從而有助於延長天然產品的保質期。這也可以減少添加香料來掩蓋變質氣味的需要。 滲透的半透膜孔徑非常小,只有0.0001微米,比細菌和病毒還要小,因此可以達到高效的過濾效果。逆滲透是目前世界上最先進的水處理技術之一,廣泛應用於工業、農業和醫療等領域。 Pure water can reduce the content of chemicals and other pollutants, thus helping to extend the shelf life of natural products. This can also reduce the need to add fragrances to mask spoilage odors. The pore size of the permeable membrane is very small, only 0.0001 microns, smaller than bacteria and viruses, so it can achieve efficient filtration. Reverse osmosis is one of the most advanced water treatment technologies in the world and is widely used in industries such as industry, agriculture and medicine.


Common Chemical Additives

硫酸鹽 Sulfates (SLS)

硫酸鹽是一種常見的化學添加劑,常出現於肥皂、洗髮水、護髮素、牙膏、沐浴露等個人護理產品中。然而,長期使用含有高濃度硫酸鹽的產品可能會對人體皮膚造成傷害,尤其對敏感肌膚更為嚴重。 硫酸鹽的主要作用是增加洗髮水、沐浴露等清潔產品的起泡性和清潔力,但同時也會剝去皮膚的天然油脂和水分,令皮膚變得乾燥和脆弱。長期使用高濃度硫酸鹽的產品可能會引起皮膚過敏、刺激和炎症,導致皮膚瘙癢、紅腫和乾燥等問題。此外,硫酸鹽也可能會進入血液循環系統,對身體其他器官造成傷害。 因此,選擇不含硫酸鹽等化學添加劑的天然個人護理產品對於保護皮膚健康非常重要。 Sulfates are a common chemical additive that often appear in personal care products such as soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, and body wash. However, long-term use of products containing high concentrations of sulfates may cause harm to the skin, especially for those with sensitive skin. The main function of sulfates is to increase the foaming and cleansing power of cleaning products such as shampoo and body wash, but at the same time, it can strip the skin of its natural oils and moisture, making it dry and fragile. Long-term use of high concentrations of sulfate-containing products may cause skin allergies, irritation, and inflammation, leading to problems such as itching, redness, and dryness. In addition, sulfates may also enter the bloodstream and cause harm to other organs in the body. Therefore, choosing natural personal care products that do not contain chemical additives such as sulfates is essential to protect skin health.
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矽油 Mineral oil

矽油是一種常見的石油衍生物,在護膚品、化妝品和個人護理產品中廣泛使用。它是一種低成本、易於製造和保存的成分,可用作潤膚劑、防水劑和防曬劑等。但長期使用含有高濃度矽油的產品可能對人體皮膚造成傷害。 矽油具有高度的惰性和不透氣性,會形成一層堵塞皮膚毛孔和阻礙皮膚呼吸的薄膜,從而干擾皮膚的自我修復和呼吸機能。長期使用高濃度矽油的產品可能會使皮膚無法正常排汗和代謝代謝產物,加速皮膚老化,甚至誘發皮膚問題,例如毛囊炎、粉刺、暗瘡和皮膚敏感等。 此外,矽油也可能會引起皮膚刺激和過敏反應,尤其對敏感肌膚更為嚴重。為了避免矽油對人體皮膚造成的損害,建議選擇使用不含矽油的天然、有機或高品質的個人護理產品。 Mineral oil, also known as liquid petroleum, is a common ingredient in personal care products such as moisturizers, lip balms, and baby oil. However, its use has been associated with several negative effects on skin health. Firstly, mineral oil can clog pores, leading to acne and other skin irritations. It forms a layer on the skin, preventing it from breathing and releasing toxins, which can result in breakouts and other skin issues. Secondly, mineral oil can cause dryness and dehydration of the skin, as it creates a barrier that traps moisture in the skin, leading to a decrease in skin's natural ability to hydrate itself. Thirdly, some studies have suggested that mineral oil may contain impurities that can be harmful to the skin and body, including carcinogens that may increase the risk of cancer. Overall, it is important to be cautious when using products containing mineral oil and to consider using natural alternatives to avoid potential negative effects on skin health.
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對羥基苯甲酸酯 Parabens

對羥基苯甲酸酯被認為是一種可能對人體有害的化學添加劑。它被廣泛地用於護膚品、化妝品和其他個人護理產品中,用作防腐劑和抗菌劑。 雖然對羥基苯甲酸酯被美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)批准作為安全添加劑,但一些研究表明它們可能對人體有害。例如,對羥基苯甲酸酯可以穿過皮膚,並被認為具有激素干擾作用,可能干擾內分泌系統的正常功能。此外,對羥基苯甲酸酯還可以引起皮膚過敏和刺激,尤其是對於敏感皮膚的人。 Parabens are a type of chemical additive that is considered potentially harmful to the human body. They are widely used as preservatives and antibacterials in skincare, cosmetics, and other personal care products. Although parabens have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as safe additives, some studies suggest they may be harmful to humans. For example, parabens can penetrate the skin and are believed to have hormone-disrupting effects, which may interfere with the normal function of the endocrine system. In addition, parabens can also cause skin allergies and irritation, especially in people with sensitive skin.
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酒精 Alcohol

酒精對人體皮膚有多種潛在的傷害。首先,酒精具有脫水的作用,可以剝奪皮膚的天然水分和油脂,導致皮膚變得乾燥和脆弱。長期使用高濃度酒精的產品可能會使皮膚失去彈性,甚至引起皮膚龜裂和出現細紋。 其次,酒精還可能導致皮膚敏感和刺激,尤其是對於乾燥或敏感皮膚的人。酒精可以破壞皮膚的天然保護屏障,增加外界有害物質進入皮膚的風險,進而導致皮膚問題如瘙癢、紅腫、發炎等。 此外,酒精還可能影響皮膚的天然微生物群落,使皮膚更容易感染和患上細菌或真菌感染。 總之,儘管酒精在某些情況下可以用作消毒劑,但對於皮膚的長期使用,酒精仍然有可能對皮膚造成傷害。 Alcohol can cause damage to the skin in a number of ways. Firstly, it can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Secondly, it can cause inflammation and redness, particularly in those with sensitive skin. Thirdly, excessive and prolonged use of alcohol can lead to the development of spider veins and rosacea, both of which can be unsightly and difficult to treat. Finally, alcohol can impair the body's ability to heal, which can delay the healing of wounds and increase the risk of infection.
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